
Year 5

Welcome to Year 5!
Welcome to Year 5 2023-2024. We are very excited to have your child/children with us this year! If you have any questions or would like to find out more, please come and speak to Mr Hynes (5H) or Miss Shapland (5S).
As a general reminder...
  • Year 5 homework will be set on a Monday. 
  • PE in Summer 1 will take place on a Friday. Please ensure your child(ren) come dressed in their PE uniform on these days. Just a gentle reminder, please make sure that your child/children are wearing a house-coloured t-shirt and school PE kit. 
  • Reading at home is a really important to us.  We would love all children within Year 5 to read 5 times per week to an adult outside of school. You can document this in the children’s yellow reading records, whereby we will keep a close eye (Monday-Monday) and any children fulfilling this task will be rewarded with a point towards their reading awards. We have already handed out several this year! 
  • PPA will be on a Tuesday in Summer term. Mrs Bennett will be teaching 5H and Mrs Hill will be teaching 5S every other Tuesday. 
Mr Hynes and Miss Shapland (Year 5 Team)
Times Tables Rock Stars (TTRS)
In the front of your child's reading record, please find a username and login for TTRS. We encourage children to practise their times tables at home to support their understanding. It is also part of their weekly homework to go online and practise. Each times table game is between 1 and 3 minutes. They can also send each other challenges which proves to be quite a popular game and helps them develop their speed with times table and division facts. Miss Shapland remains currently unbeaten...
If you have any questions about TTRS, please ask Mr Hynes or Miss Shapland.
DT: cutting the material and practising sewing skills!
We didn't let the rain stop us from our cricket lesson! 
RE: Jesus' Teachings
In our Christianity unit this term, we have been exploring what Christians believe Jesus would do in different situations. This week we explored the Sermon on the Mount.
DT - Designing a stuffed toy
Year 5 had a go at designing their own stuffed toys. They had to make sure that the design was large enough to cut out as next lesson we will be cutting fabric to the same size. We will also need to leave enough room to stitch the fabric together using a blanket stitch. 
Year 5 have been attending swimming lessons at Holmleigh Park this term. We are incredibly proud of them! The children have been doing the following:
  • starfish floats
  • mushroom floats
  • picking up items off the bottom of the pool
  • front crawl, with and without float support
  • backstroke, with and without float support
  • controlling their kicking movements to avoid big splashes!
A big thank you to all parents and carers for ensuring they have their swimming kit ready everyday! It has been brilliant being able to see the children progress so much in such a short amount of time! 
Rugby Premiership Trophy! 
We had some special visitors this week....look what we saw!