
Our Christian Vision & Mission

  • We Strive for Excellence in all that we do, so that our children reach their full potential.
  • We are Ambitious and Aspiration-we firmly believe that the sky is the limit and anything is possible with excellent teaching and a growth mindset.
  • As a Church of England school, we are proud of our faith and will remain Authentically Christian in our actions and words and the foundations of the faith will run through the fabric of the school.
  • We are Competitive and Creative so that our children grow and nurture the gifts and talents they have been blessed with. We play an active role within our local school community and make Hardwicke the school that is highly competitive and equally creative through developing the arts.
  • We work within our school and local Community Partnership where we learn from our colleagues and share best practice. We want to provide our children with the necessary skills, so that they are responsible citizens and promote a positive image of our young people in and around the local area.

Our Christian Vision

'Do everything in love' 1 Corinthians 16:14