

At Hardwicke, we recognise the importance of developing physical literacy and that a high-quality physical education curriculum inspires all pupils to develop a healthy, active lifestyle. Our curriculum and wider sport provision provide opportunities for pupils to become physically confident in a way which supports their health and fitness. Opportunities to compete in sport and other activities build character and help to embed British values such as fairness and respect. Our PE curriculum is closely aligned with our school vision: Do everything in love, Together we Love, Learn & Live. PE links with our school vision and values by inspiring pupils to do everything in love, for instance, in applying and demonstrating the school values through opportunities for healthy activity and competition. 
We aim to inspire a lifelong love of physical activity by providing diverse, engaging, and inclusive opportunities that promote enjoyment, resilience, and teamwork. Our curriculum is designed to develop fundamental movement skills, physical literacy, and an understanding of healthy, active lifestyles. We foster an environment where pupils can experience personal achievement, build confidence, and understand the importance of physical activity as part of a balanced life. 
For our children to grow, their physical and mental wellbeing must be at the heart of all aspects of school life, with physical activity being an integral part of this. PE and sport have a wide range of physical and emotional benefits, from developing muscle and bone strength to increasing concentration, educational performance, and learning. We believe that developing regular physical activity behaviours in childhood is crucial, as we know that children who are active are more likely to become active adults and continue to reap the benefits throughout their life. 
Physical Education at Hardwicke is taught regularly through a sequenced and progressive curriculum that aligns with the National Curriculum for Physical Education in England. It integrates key areas of physical development, including fundamental movement skills, gymnastics, dance, athletics, games, and outdoor adventurous activities. 
In EYFS, PE is taught through the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework, focusing on the Physical Development prime area. The emphasis is on developing gross motor skills, coordination, balance, and spatial awareness. Children engage in activities that encourage movement, exploration, and physical expression. They learn basic skills such as running, jumping, throwing, and catching in a fun, supportive environment, meeting the Early Learning Goals related to physical development. 
In KS1, we build on these foundational skills in line with the National Curriculum expectations. The focus is on developing agility, balance, and coordination, individually and with others. Pupils participate in team games, developing simple tactics for attacking and defending, and explore dance and gymnastics, enhancing their ability to control movements and express themselves through physical activity. 
In KS2, the focus shifts to refining and mastering skills, applying them in a range of sports and activities, as outlined in the National Curriculum. Pupils develop competence in more complex movements, understanding rules, tactics, and strategies in competitive and cooperative contexts. They take part in outdoor and adventurous activities that promote problem-solving, leadership, and teamwork. Swimming and water safety are integral parts of the curriculum, with pupils taught to swim competently, confidently, and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres, using a range of strokes effectively and performing safe self-rescue in different water-based situations. 
Across the school, pupils experience a broad range of physical activities, ensuring progression in skill development and physical literacy. Teachers adapt lessons to meet the diverse needs of all learners, using strategies to support progress. Opportunities for self and peer assessment encourage pupils to reflect on their performance and set personal goals. 
The effectiveness of our PE curriculum is measured through a variety of qualitative and quantitative indicators: 
Physical Competence: Pupils demonstrate improved physical skills, coordination, and fitness levels. Regular assessments track progress in fundamental and sport-specific skills, aligned with National Curriculum expectations. 
Pupil Outcomes: Data reflects that the majority of pupils achieve age-related expectations in PE, with many exceeding these standards. Swimming outcomes are monitored to ensure national requirements are met. 
Pupil Engagement: Observations and pupil voice surveys indicate high levels of participation, enjoyment, and enthusiasm for physical activity. Pupils are motivated to engage in sports both within and beyond the school environment. 
Personal Development: Pupils exhibit increased confidence, resilience, and teamwork skills. They understand the importance of physical activity for mental health and well-being. 
Lifelong Learning: Our inclusive approach ensures all pupils, including disadvantaged and SEND students, make progress. They leave Hardwicke with the skills, knowledge, and attitudes necessary to maintain an active, healthy lifestyle. 
At Hardwicke, our commitment to the intent, implementation, and impact of our PE curriculum ensures we nurture physically literate children prepared for lifelong participation in physical activity and sport.